SSYS In-Person Spring 2025 Registration

South Side Youth Soccer will host an in-person signup day on Sunday January 26th at our office:
221 Southpark Road, Suite C2
Lafayette, LA 70508
WHEN: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
We will also accept registrations over the phone at (337) 453-2038 at that time.
Our recreational program is for boys and girls born between 2008 and 2021.
The registration fee will be $85 for U4 to U6 and $95 for U7 and up for the season (jerseys are purchased separately at Third Coast Soccer and are good for 4 seasons: Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Fall 2025, and Spring 2026). The deadline to register and keep a spot on last season's team will be 01/30/2025. There will be a $25 late fee added after 01/30/2025 and your child is no longer guaranteed a spot on last season's team; they will be placed where they are needed. There is a NO REFUND policy.
To be guaranteed placement on your returning team, you must have played with the team in Fall 2024 and you must register by the date of 01/30/2025. Players are placed on a first-come, first-served basis when forming teams after 01/30/2025.
All age groups are divided by birth year, not school year. Players are allowed to play up to 1 year of birth if requested. Players are not allowed to play up 2 or more years of the birth year nor play down at all. Players born in 2021 will play on coed teams- all other age groups are separated by gender. In some age groups, we will combine two birth years so more teams can be formed. If we do not get enough players in a particular gender or age group to form FOUR TEAMS, teams will not be formed in that age group for that season and fees will be reimbursed to the registered players.
SSYS does its best to meet team placement REQUESTS. You can request to practice at a particular complex, but you may play games at both complexes depending on the number of players we get registered at each park requesting that particular park. **If you request a particular coach or team, your coach will decide for the team where practices will be held and which complex is your home field choice effectively overriding your choice of the complex.
The season's first games will begin on 2/22/25 and end on 4/12/25 barring any weather-related make-up games. We plan to play an 8-game season, weather permitting, with most games being played on Saturdays; some games may be played on Sundays or Wednesday evenings if needed.
For a complete list of the league's rules and policies, you may go HERE