St. Julien Park, Broussard
The newest of our 3 facilities, Broussard Sports Complex at St. Julien Park sits right off of US Highway 90 in Broussard. Easy to get to and located near to all sort of local dining and shopping amenities, the park also has a walking trail and natural ponds to explore. St. Julien serves as the home for our competitive soccer program, Louisiana Dynamo, as well as hosting South Side practices and games.
SJP (Maintained by Park Staff)
- Restrooms
- Benches/Bleachers
- Water
- Concession Stand
- Lights
- Shelter

Youngsville Sports Complex
Opened in 2014, Youngsville Sports Complex has been a great addition to South Side Youth Soccer, enabling us to expand our league to accommodate more players, parents, coaches and teams. If you wander out to Youngsville Sports Complex on a Saturday in Fall or Spring, you'll be welcomed with fields full of soccer players wearing orange, having fun and scoring goals!
YSC (Maintained by Park Staff)
- Restrooms
- Benches/Bleachers
- Water
- Concession Stand
- Lights
- Shelter/Pavilions

LHC Soccer Complex
Back where it all started for South Side Youth Soccer. The original facility where the league was founded back in 2010 is now only used for practices, but there's life there yet! Fully equipped with plenty of goals, benches, restrooms and lights for those darker Fall evenings, LHC Soccer Complex has a rustic charm and a certain nostalgia to those who were here back when we first kicked-off our club.
SSYS (Maintained by SSYS Board & Staff)
- Restrooms (portable)
- Benches
- Lights

foster park
Newly acquired practice specific space in Youngsville for the Fall 2021 season. The park boasts ample space for two 4v4 fields, one 5v5 field and one 9v9 field. The park is addition and operated as part of the Youngsville Sports Complex.
Foster Park (Maintained by Youngsville Sports Complex)
- Restrooms
- Lights

Newly acquired space for the Fall 2024 season.
Partnered in 2024 Breaux Bridge players may now use Parc Hardy. These fields are maintenanced by the city of Breaux Bridge!
- Restrooms
- Lights